All the very best
Beneficiary is currently doing 2nd year BSc Electronics in a private college located in Trichy, Tamilnadu. He hails from a small remote village near Kodaikanal.
He is living with his mother and elder sister. His mother is suffering from rheumatoid and his sister discontinued her nursing education because of financial problem. She is working in a private nursing and getting a very low salary which is the only source of income.
He had completed his school from a govt. school near his hometown. He is one amoung the very few people going to college from his village.
He has score 816/1200 marks in HSc and 395/500 marks in SSLC. His first year fees was paid by someone in his village. He came to know about Aalayam with our volunteers recent visit to Theni village.
Amount DetailsRaised - 6880.00
Remaining - 0
All the very best
Vinaykamurthy Arumugam / Kannan Vinayakamurthy
Please do good in studies
A non-profit organization devoted to building a crowdfunding platform to help students in need of Education.